What is the frequency of service on my portable toilet?
Depends on the length of time units are rented. Contact us for exact details.


When is payment due?
Payment is due prior to units being installed, cash or bank transfer accepted. 


Can I rent a portable toilet for a few hours?
No, portables are rented on a daily basis.


Do portable toilets flush?
Yes, they are flushed using a foot pump.

Customer Testimonials

We used the Royal Throne Room for our private event during Cup Match, Bermuda’s biggest 2-day holiday. It stayed fresh smelling the whole time. Plus it had a mirror and sink. The women absolutely loved it!! We don’t think we could ever go to Cup Match again without having it!!”

El Capitane

The past 10 years we camp and have cook outs for Cup Match. We always rent a Portaloo and The Royal Throne vendor was the best! It was like we were home, we could wash our hands and flush the toilet without that horrible smell. The toilet was superb and it even had a mirror and fresh air flowing through the toilet.

I would recommend it to anybody!

The Lightbournes

Thankful to The Royal Throne Room for providing NOVA Mas International with excellent service of their exclusive top of the line bathrooms.

NOVA Mas International